For most of us, the idea of being trapped in a cage is a horrifying thought, worthy of the scariest horror movie. Yet, for many of us, addiction forms just such a…
Category: 2Minutes
Nuggets of wisdom, in 2 minutes or less
2 Minutes… about wondering why
We may hold many ideas of what got us here. Asking “Why” is a good start, but the answers we might hear in response to our question can either move us toward…
2 Minutes… on the 4 C’s of addiction
While we may think that what we are struggling with is unique, the reality is that we are often retracing the same steps over and over. Those who study addiction tell us…
2 Minutes… about “How’s that working for ya?” is an superb source of online bible translations/paraphrases and guides in dozens of languages. It also offers great advice. A recent post asks the question: “When you are worn-out, when you…
2 Minutes… on Co-dependency and Overcommitting
The recent “2 Minutes… on saying No after you’ve said Yes“ post started an interesting conversation. As we talked, we decided that, perhaps, the more important question isn’t how to back out…
2 Minutes… for talking about your Spiritual Journey
Celebrate Recovery® is as effective as it is because we identify the path to recovery as part of a spiritual journey, especially at Step 11 and Step 12. Those steps talk about…
2 Minutes… about Phrases to Avoid in a Difficult Conversation
Difficult conversations are difficult for a reason: we have something important we need to discuss, but we often come into the conversation anxious or stressed out. No matter how prepared you are,…
2 Minutes… on saying “No” after you’ve said “Yes”
Keeping our commitments is an important part of a sane, healthy life. At the same time, we sometimes find ourselves trapped by something we said “Yes” to. Whether you now have a…
2 Minutes… on high-tech fasting
If you’re looking for a easy, high-tech way to lose weight, you’re reading the wrong article; this one is about ways to find peace in a world of noise pounding at us…
2 Minutes… on understanding what Co-dependency looks like
Ever find yourself agreeing to something, then wondering why you did? Sometimes, our choice was based less on what we were going to do, than on our internal hurts, habits, and hang-ups….
2 Minutes… for 20 Questions on Co-Dependency
Doctors use many tools to see what’s goin on under our skin. Diagnosing a problem might require an MRI’s, an X-Ray, or a CAT scan; sometimes, the power of asking questions can…
2 Minutes… on sci-finding your identity
I am a science-fiction fan because sci-fi allows us to ask what WE would be like in different circumstances. It helps us ask questions. If your work commute took you two years…
2 Minutes… about taking feedback
If you’re looking for job advice, you’ve come to the wrong place. Still, a recent column by the career coaches at Korn-Ferry, an organizational consulting and job placement firm, had some insights…
2 Minutes… about surviving in the wild
OK, I admit that I couldn’t resist the title. What does surviving in the wild have to do with recovery? At first glance, not a lot but perhaps more than you think….
2 Minutes… on good questions
Part of the process of finding change and growth in our lives is learning about who we really are. And, to be honest, sometimes that’s hard to do. We can be blind…
2 Minutes… on changing habits
It seems like breaking a bad habit would be simple: just do the opposite action a bunch of times, and viola, you’re changed, right? Maybe not. Sometimes you may find yourself drifting…